Lapis Pro
Promoting the regeneration of the intestinal wall.
A keystone in the regeneration process.
155 in stock
Gut Microbiota Bio-regulating complex
Lapis Pro is a product promoting the regeneration of the intestinal wall and regulating the intestinal microbiota.
Root extract Eukaryotes : Radix Scutellariae
The Health of our organism, starts within our intestine.
Our intestine has fonctions of an incredible organic complexity. It contains about 100 thousand billions micro-organisms : 10 times more than the sum of all our body cells!
Our intestines are from 7 to 10 meters long (22 to 26 feet). The intestinal mucosa area is about 300 to 400m² big (3200 to 4300ft²), which represents the largest and most complex surface absorbing and exchanging substances within the human body. It is also the stronghold of our immune defense system and the basis of our energetic, physical and cerebral potential. The scientific community has recently discovered that our intestines must remain healthy and that our microbiota is indispensable for the digestive system proper functioning. The uptake of diverse kinds of food including amino-acids, vitamins, minerals, etc… are all necessary to maintain our organic and cellular survival. When getting older, our intestines pile up on toxins, heavy metals, then fabricating diverse kinds of adhesions or polyps, at the same time as our mucosa tends to shrink. The intestines become more and more sensitive to those toxic elements and assimilate ever less nutrients. The PH balance becomes unstable and the enzymatic exchange diminishes. Lapis Pro regulates those deficiencies.
Due to metagenomic recent progress, we have discovered the role of diverse organisms (prokaryotes, bacteria, viruses and eukaryotes) at the very origin of life’s chain of evolution which we can still find in our intestines. It does need to be fed and regenerated. It is fundamental to keep a functioning metabolism, a good health, immune system, nervous system and therefore the starting point to a proper regulation of stress, digestion of fats, sugars, etc… Its malfunctioning would bring allergies (skin diseases), inflammatory diseases, unbalances of all kinds and eventually its organic and cellular degeneration.
Lapis Pro complex is a very specific bio-regulator of the intestinal microbiota of plant origin, of an exceptional quality, issued from metagenomic research.
Consult Wikipedia :
Read : “Gut-The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ”:
Watch :
Bacteria, yeasts, enzymes or certain plant extracts help the digestion and stimulate the immune and regenerative body system.
For the active principles to deliver their beneficial effect on the intestines, we need to ensure that :
- They are active, natural and of the utmost quality.
- The proper strains are carefully selected to reach the desired effect : each of the thousands of active principles does have a specific effect.
- And that these strains show a good resistance to gastric and biliary acidity.
In fact, for the bio regulating active principles to remain fully effective on the microbiota they need to still be active and in great numbers when reaching the intestine. Therefore, they should not be degraded during their journey through the stomach and must be able to resist the breakdown of the gastric and pancreatic juices.
Protocol for a progressive regeneration :
2 capsules upon awakening, 2 capsules before bedtime with a small glass of mineral water.
For 3 to 6 months.
We recommend to take the capsules 30/45 mins before meals for better efficiency.
Protocol for an emergency regeneration :
4 capsules upon awakening, 4 capsules before bedtime always with a small glass of water.
For up to 10 days, then you shall resume with the progressive regeneration protocol. For 3 to 6 months.
We recommend to take the capsules 30/45 mins before meals for better efficiency.
It is not necessary to carry on with the treatment for more than 6 to 7 months. Although you will benefit from taking 1 to 2 capsules per week to maintain a healthy microbiota.
The beneficial effect of Lapis Pro lasts for up to 4 to 5 years.
This intestinal bio regulator may generate a strong general cleansing effect on your organism as well as an overall regeneration of your skin.
To optimize your regeneration, you may add :
- Natural organic GMO-free multivitamin supplements (A,B,C,D,E).
- If you want to re-build muscular mass, include some organic non GMO soy-based proteins.
- To regenerate your skin, try including some fish collagen (elastin) which is a good supplement.
Download the product analysis of Lapis Pro
Additional information
Weight | 0.16 kg |
Objective | Regeneration |
Pr Guy Montpetit –
I am an adult male born in 1938, I am a scientist, I will be eighty years old this year, and I have a relatively solid health. Having been a vegetalian for the last 30 years, all my vital functions are in a normal condition. My energy level is more than acceptable, being able to pursue a daily routine of twelve hours per day and my night sleep never surpasses an average of five (5) to six (6) hours per night.
After many years in Asia in the pollution with a poor quality of food, I travelled a lot. My sleep cycle had been upset to the point of modifying my average night sleep to 4 hours and 30 minutes per night and my intestines had become very fragile.
In March 2016, I followed a treatment of Lapis Pro, that lasted for a period of 30 days with a posology of two softgels per day (one at night before bed and one at wake up time in the morning).
In November 2016, I followed a treatment of Lapis Elixir that lasted for a period of 30 days with a posology of two vials of Lapis Elixir per day dissolved in a lukewarm glass of water.
In March of 2018, I followed a treatment of Lapis Elixir that lasted 30 days.
In the three situations, the results surprised me enormously. The Lapis Pro treatment re-established my intestines in a record time. It did not take more than a week of treatment to find adequate and consistent intestinal health.
In November 2016, we had access to Lapis Elixir, and this treatment results were squarely remarkable. Not only my intestines regained complete health – they operated like new ones – my level of energy had come back to my normal way of operating, feeling I had pulled back my clock twenty years back. My hairs that had become white (my children were calling me « papawhite »), started regaining their original colour, it is particularly evident when I come out of the shower, they are « reddish black » over 60% of my skull.
In March 2018 that the results most particularly impressed me.
The most surprising aspect of the second Lapis Elixir treatment is that since I completed the treatment thirty days later, my intestines have been permanently repaired. Unless I fall on a batch of food that is clearly unhealthy and I catch a diarrhoea on that day, immediately on the following day, my intestines become normal again. My level of energy has come back. My hair did not return to their white colour, but the progression of the surface of darker colouring has stopped. Since April 2018, I did not absorb any more Lapis Elixir and all the beneficial advantages I gained with this supplement, solidly stayed in place.
It is not useless to mention that the absorption of these food supplements does not carry ANY SECONDARY NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS. They do not have bad taste and they are easily absorbed.
Mr Sai Kwun Peter POON –
I am almost 70 years old and had many digestive health problems, high blood pressure. I had many operations to liver, gallbladder and also gut I had several polyps .
After taking Lapis Pro, I had progressive results :
After 2 days :
– a big cleaning of the intestines
– a growing increase in energy day after day
– the feeling of hunger is back (I was never hungry before)
– my sleep has improved over the days and has become deep and restorative
After one week :
– my blood pressure went down from day to day and then rose slightly at a normal rate to stabilize.
– my blood sugar level also went down and returned to normal
After three weeks :
– Since my stroke, my fingers were numb and now I’m surprised that I found full mobility of all my fingers
– I started to get pimples on my scalp as it seems the detoxification goes on…
– Since the same time my skin starts to be more colorful, more shiny with less wrinkles
I have the feeling that Lapis Pro really regenerates step by step.
Dewain Willmore (verified owner) –
Jared Highly Recommended Lapis Pro and Once I Started Using It, Everything Started Getting Better In So Many Ways. I 1st Noticed My Eye Sight Was Increasing,. Overall cleared. More Energy, But What I Noticed Out of Everything Was My Ability to Go and Stay Higher In My Pursuit of Higher Consciousness. Just Unbelievable Ability To Get Connected With My Higher Self….And Stay In That Realm So Much More I Started Feeling A Stronger Ability To Ask About Galactic Things And Got Instant Answers… And Now Is Has Just gotten easier In All Ways Feeling Those Awesome Powers of Clarity In All Those Areas….Thank You, Jared R. and Fulmina For This Awesome Fountain of Youth Supplement.
Jim Anderson (verified owner) –
Lapis Pro – Testimonial – 1-23-10
I have had so many positive results since taking the Lapis Pro. I received my order and started on 12-24-18, so just one month ago. Since then I have had a few immediate results and others took a few weeks.
· I could feel a digestive cleanse almost immediately
· A persistent skin rash I had for several months went away in 3 days
· Greater energy and strength, all day.
· A fungus on one toe I have had for years and would not clear up started clearing after one week
· Some skin spots I have started diminishing
· I need less sleep
· My skin appears tighter with reduced facial lines
· My hearing in my right ear has improved
· Reduced inflammation
· Improved respiratory functioning
The change/results that I am so please with is that my sense of taste and smell is returning after years of not having these. Originally a result from a mold exposure nine years ago that severely impacted my sinuses and therefore losing my sense of smell and taste. The only way to bring theses senses back was by taking a prescription. The week or two would work for a few months than then my loss of smell and taste returned.
A few days ago my sense of smell and taste started returning without any other medication. The Lapis Pro is the only reason this has returned!!
Thank you for such a wonderful product and I look forward to receiving my Lapis Elixir and started the next phase in great health!
Jim Anderson
Dr. Florence D. Simmons (verified owner) –
I am on my 3rd bottle of Lapis Pro and feeling fantastic at 61 years old ! I no longer take my thyroid medication that I have been taking for the past 11 years!!! My gray hairs are vanishing, I have increased energy and workout daily. My sleep is sound, and dreams are vivid. My skin is smooth and wrinkles are diminishing. My body is transforming to a youthful state and I am receiving so many compliments!
James Hanny (verified owner) –
I am 58 years old. I have had persistent arthritis in my hands and feet, my knees, and the older I have gotten most other joints have ached. I’ve always been active, and practice Aikido. My legs have been painful in recent years, and I have struggled to generate a consistent high level of energy. That’s my qualification. After 2 months on Lapis Pro, all has been basically eliminated. I have just finished 10 straight days of work and feel fine, not exhausted. My energy level has been consistent. I have continued to take many other supplements I have taken for much longer than Lapis Pro, with no noticeable problems with interaction. The product has been everything and more than described.
G R Williams (verified owner) –
I started using Lapis Pro 12.17.19 following directions on label taking 4 @ days as instructed. My age is 66, and I try to walk daily with some push-ups before Lapis Pro.
One of the first things that I noticed was clarity of my mind, mobility was improved greatly, my focus was greatly increased, and after taking for about 35 days I discovered that my strength was greatly increased.
I was doing push-ups in 3 sets, but after this period I immediately doubled the amount of push-ups that I was doing daily w/o any pain or discomfort in my joints or muscles.
I started doing my push-ups off the bathtub with my feet, no issues in endurance.
I also experienced a vibration in left leg between my knee and hip similar to how the old pagers would vibrate. I also had 3 to 4 vibrations on my left arm, but not as strong as the left leg was. Understand this is from Lapis Pro making repairs on my heart.
I have since increased them to a total of 90 push-ups @ day, still no pain or discomfort with what I doing.
I went to a popular restaurant, eating the salad bar about 12:45 PM and found that I had difficulties from the salad bar as I was having difficulties from doing my push-ups regiment. I was doing less than what I had increased to with extreme difficulty.
Next day back to doing my normal 90 push-ups @ day with no issues.
Prior to starting Lapis Pro this was one of my favorite restaurant to eat at, but it appears that it’s off the list now.
I make my own salads at home, with a very detailed process that I put all items thru, zapping on arrival from grocery, washing, cleaning, preparing and zapping finished salad before consuming it.
If I wasn’t taking Lapis Pro and doing the push-ups that I had increased I would have never realized that eating at a salad bar could have such a dramatic effect on how my body would process it and the lack of strength from doing this.
James Hanny (verified owner) –
J’ai 58 ans. J’ai eu de l’arthrite persistante aux mains et aux pieds, aux genoux et, plus je vieillissais, plus j’avais mal aux articulations. J’ai toujours été actif et pratique l’Aikido. Mes jambes ont été douloureuses ces dernières années, et, j’ai eu du mal à générer un niveau d’énergie élevé et constant. C’est ma qualification. Après 2 mois sur Lapis Pro, tout a été pratiquement éliminé. Je viens de terminer 10 jours de travail consécutifs, et, je me sens bien, pas épuisé. Mon niveau d’énergie a été constant. J’ai continué à prendre de nombreux autres compléments alimentaires que je prends depuis bien plus longtemps que le Lapis Pro, sans aucun problème notable d’interaction. Le produit est vraiment comme décrit ,et, apporte même beaucoup plus.
Milin Fajardo (verified owner) –
I will be 60 in June and feeling young and great!
I am so grateful to Jared Rand for introducing Lapis Pro to us and to Fulmina Distri as well for making this miracle capsules available to anyone in the whole world and not only to few selected group of people. My sincere thanks also go to my osteopaths, feldenkrais (posture and body movement correction) and massage therapists. My healing journal everyday has a record of my grateful heart and each time i feel a healing is happening, i whisper to myself “Wow! Incredible! My thanks to all!”
I have condition of musculoskeletal disorder coupled with some structural issues. I constantly have muscle pains day and night. I opted for natural healing methods and I always refuse to take pain medications. For 3-4 years, I am under the care of my therapists above and I am improving very well. However, when i started taking Lapis Pro, I noticed phenomenal and dramatic improvements on my health and well being!; Here are some of them to mention a few:
1- healthy stool – I had learned this before that a healthy stool is shaped like an “S” and it floats.
2- regular bowel movement – not only in the morning but sometimes 2x/day – I had learned too that we should be doing this 3x a day as we eat our meals 3x a day
3- feeling light and not sluggish
4- sound and deep sleep – very restorative
5- increased energy during the day
6- body response to osteo/feldenkrais/massage treatments accelerated from scale of 1 to 10! My feet are fully grounded now – so I am able to maintain good body balance and am able to centre my body weight as well. I am so close to gain the ideal body posture and movements; I am breathing properly now (deep breathing no more shallow breathing). All I can say is … I had never felt this good for a long time! It is very awesome feeling! So happy to be ALIVE!
7- healthy eyes – no more dryness and itchiness
8- healthy, tighter and vibrant skin
9- gained muscle mass
10- reduced eye bags
In summary, this is the best investment for my health i ever had! For me, this is a very cheap way to make your gut young and healthy again which manifests on your skin, on your face, and on your overall well being!
Thank you all!
Katleen Holmes (verified owner) –
I want to thank you for making such wonderful products. My eyes are hazel and they had rings of brown around the black pupil. I know from iridology that brown rings should not be around the pupil. I saw them starting to fade within the first 2-3 weeks of taking Lapis Pro. After 3 months on Lapis Pro, they are almost completely gone. It is amazing to see how the body responds to your products. Thank you again for the excellent quality of your products.
Clair (verified owner) –
Amazing product! I be been on the product for 3 months. My digestion has been messed up for 20 years after a pregnancy. I have no more Digestion issues and a return of libido. Makes you more passionate and a nicer person.
heidimirka (verified owner) –
For all the years I have suffered spring allergies with severely irritated eyes, sneezing beyond explanation while wanting to rub my itchy nose off of my face, for the first time EVER, I had absolutely NO seasonal allergic reaction to ANY of the pollen or especially, those darn oak trees this spring. It is literally a miracle and I attribute it to the Lapis Pro. After only 3 bottles, I had this incredible result. My skin is also clearer, more vibrant, and at 64, my stamina has increased noticeably during my 5-6 mi walks. I cannot recommend this product enough. Thank you Fulmina.
Will D (verified owner) –
I’m presently on my 6th bottle Lapis Pro . I’m 61yo and suffered 3 strokes . I’m pleased with results to say the least . The product has helped with my strength and stamina. My balance is improved . My hair color and quality has improved . The body is able to absorb more of the minerals and nutrients . It’s noticeable from skin and hair improvements . I’m grateful to the one who shared Fulmina’s product line. It is of the highest quality.
Ray Marsilio (verified owner) –
OMFG, I am afraid to believe that after 4mos of Pro, and a month of Elixir, my severe IBS and nausea and cluster headaches are virtually gone. My Lumbar Osteoarthritis and Spinal Stenosis have moderately improved, and my balance is somewhat better. My 24/7 Tinnitis has lessened, but I am still deaf in my right ear. Because I have a lifetime of highly sensitive skin issues, my rashes, and firey crotch are controlled by soothing creams, and backing off the pills for a few days. But, this is worth it to me. I will say that the Elixir did make joints hurt, and make me very sleepy. But, after the month, the symptoms are much improved. Because I am 63, and have a long history of health issues with great self abuse to my body from work and activities, I don’t expect that we will all have the same results. I expect my healing to take a bit longer than most. But, the point is that these results were not reached by any of the endless years and tens of thousands of very hard earned dollars that went to conventional doctors and specialists that just left me in more pain, and with SEVERE IBS from all the pain meds. I slept with a heating pad on my back, and one on my stomach from intense nausea and bowel/bloating issues that woke me up often. Those bowel issues are gone. I have little or no trouble with bladder elimination, which is common for men my age. My prostate works fine, I guess. Because of my degenerative illness , (decades of suffering and pushing through it), and what has been permanent hearing issues, (since 1987), I am in awe of what is happening, and even more deeply affected by the ways we have been abused. I get depressed over it, but then I come back stronger. I look forward to another round of elixir, and I guess firey crotch. But, I know what is on the other side now. I wish everyone the best results and the least side effects from these unique products which have me just shaking my head … Thank you Fulmina and Jared. Thank you Gaia and all beings of pure light.
Jim garno (verified owner) –
Within days my body gave me a message that it no longer was ageing and is now in communication with all parts of the body. It also doesn’t want me to say it is 77yrs old, but low 60’s is OK. Before starting the Lapis Pro, I was having difficulty golfing and feeling I was about to give up the game. My fear of swinging the clubs, was increasing so as not to injure my body. After one month of being on the Lapis Pro, My body showed me the confidence that I may begin to enjoy golfing again. After 2 months, my body returned to what it was 15yrs earlier. Oh My God, my body now says, Give it all you think we can do together. I am Playing the game with the enjoyment I had in my younger days. My body says you can exercise me as much as you want and I will recover without the problems we had before. My body now says it continually feels good with a returned potential and how much it loves me. I now keep thinking of how many others will enjoy their bodies health and appreciation for giving it this Lapis Pro and the other Lapis Products. Jim Garno, Bisbee, Arizona.
Gabbysmom (verified owner) –
I have put my husband on Lapis Pro last November, I could only afford to give him 2 tablets a day, but the results were amazing. He suffers with Parkinson’s and had taken a couple really bad falls. The PT didn’t feel he would make it because of his condition. Yet he did survive and did quite well. Yet some really serious financial situations came into our life, putting a lot of things on hold including the Lapis Pro.
After regressing this spring I decided that no matter what the cost I would find away to get him back on the Lapis Pro. He is now on his second month of taking 4 capsules a day. He no longer sits there in a stupor staring into space. He has begun initiating conversations, he is spending a lot more time awake & even his strength is improving. He is now working out everyday.
My personal belief is, I should have never stopped giving him the product. Now that he is on it, it is my goal to keep him on it & bring you updates.
Joyce Smith (verified owner) –
Hello I am using ALL the products from Fulmina waiting the Frankincense and Juvenes . I highly recommend them all as so many things have changed for me some so gradually and wow . one day I woke up and felt my skin so smooth my body firmer the lines from my face are no more and I must say with the Ostra I feel energy but a tranquility . living in the moment … I must say all the products have done miracles not only physically …I am certain I will get every new product while continuing a protocol of the ones I am using now I urge everyone to start taking them Joyce Smith
Craig Calonica (verified owner) –
So far I’ve noticed better sleep, and better bowel movements and overall general health. I’ve been going to third world countries my entire life and have had dysentery so many times I’ve lost count, consequently it did major damage to my gut and permanently effected bowel movements, and I can tell the Lapis Pro is repairing that damage, which is great as I didn’t think that would be possible after incurring so much damage over the years, it did so much damage that my gut probably needs additional treatment, I saw that the Elixir Elixir does further repair, is this true? That said, my overall feeling is good and I feel stronger during my workouts in the gym and while I’m skiing, which is great as I’m out there cranking away all the time and at high altitudes at that, so I need all the help I can get. I’m still taking the products and so I’m sure I will experience more changes, which I look forward too!
Graeme (verified owner) –
Lapis Pro is just an AMAZING product….noticed immediate ‘punch’ in energy!
Cannot wait to get onto another round of Lapis Pro then get onto the Elixir.
Best product I have found in 74 years!
Thank you to the Fulmina Team
Nelli Petruk (verified owner) –
It has been 3 years since march 2018 when I started taking Lapis Elixir, Lapis Pro and Lapis Ostra.
The results are so amazing. I would like to express my deep tribute to the creator of these products.
My keloid scar of 20 cm long left after a cesarean section in 1997, has completely resolved. Which disturbed me a lot, it was painful.
Varicose veins on my legs, which appeared at the age of 19 after the first birth, because of which I could not sleep. The veins were the size of a quail’s egg all across the rear part of the leg to the knee. Now these bumps have almost disappeared. The pain in my legs was completely gone.
In the summer 2019 I stumbled and fell down, dislocating my left shoulder joint. The pain was intense, and it was difficult to even raise my arm. And since we regularly received Lapis Pro and Lapis Ostra, in 6 months the arm stopped hurting. What’s interesting is that the pain seemed to go down from the shoulder to the elbow, and then to the thumb. And in the end, the pain passed. Now the arm is like a new one.
From 2018 to 2019 I was hospitalized 4 times by ambulance in hospitals with a diagnosis of mechanical jaundice. After one of the last discharges from the hospital, I was sent for examination to an oncologist, because the computed tomography showed a hardening in the intestine. But I didn’t go to the oncologist. And after I started taking Lapis Pro, the attacks of cholelithiasis and pancreatitis stopped. And for two years now my digestion has almost returned to normal.
In 1986, I got in a car accident. As a result, I received a fracture of the base of the skull, a subarachnoid cerebral hemorrhage, a crack of the 1st cervical vertebra, a fracture of the 7th cervical vertebra, in which the spinous process broke off. Over the years, a hump formed in this place. Now this hump has become distinctly smaller.
Fracture of the 4th thoracic vertebra. The lumbar puncture was taken twice.
Apparently because of that, I had permanent giddinesses and very hard hypertensive crises. When I started taking Lapis Elixir in March 2018, the giddinesses started to stop. The hypertensive crises stopped.
After the last time when I took Lapis Pro and Lapis Ostra in the early December 2020, the giddinesses stopped completely.
In March 2021 I started taking Lapis Elixir again. Now the arteriotony and the heart pressure are gradually normalizing, and the pulse does not rise above 80.
My vision, I think, began to improve, I stopped, at least, to feel its deterioration.
The cramps in the arms and legs stopped.
The breathlessness during walking stopped
In the summer 2019 I noticed that my hair stopped turning gray!!!
At the age of 37, I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse of the 2nd degree. They wanted to operate on me. I constantly took pills to normalize blood pressure: asparkam (potassium and magnesium asparaginate), riboxin (inosine) and locren (betaxolol).
As a result, I damaged my kidneys. They are still making themselves felt. But these present-day renal symptoms are nothing compared to the previous attacks of renal colic.
When I was 44 years old, when I caught cold a boric alcohol was dripped into my left healthy ear. It fell onto the anvil. I survived the extreme giddinesses and vomiting, and I went deaf in that ear. Recently, my ear began to disturb me. A year ago, it started bleeding periodically. In December 2020, when Lapis Pro and Lapis Ostra ended, the disturbances increased, even to the point of pain in the left side of the face. And now, after resuming the taking of Lapis Elixir, the disturbances have ceased.
My heart stopped hurting. I haven’t taken a pill for 3 months.
All in all, this is just a miracle.
For 3 years, I have come to the conclusion that Lapis Elixir, Lapis Pro and Lapis Ostra should be taken simultaneously.
I am very grateful to you for the opportunity to take your products, which have a wonderful effect on my health.