
Tribulus Terrestris


Tribulus Terrestris


Tribulus Terrestris stimulates the immunity and energy vitality of the adrenal and endocrine glands. It is an ancestral medicinal plant heavily used and considered major in Ayurvedic medicine (India) for more than 4000 years and in Chinese medicine for 2000 years. We know very well its real effects on sexuality, immunity, regeneration, endurance, libido and vitality.


Tribulus Terrestris is composed of many active ingredients :

  • phytosterols (plant sterols),
  • alkaloids (tribulusterin)
  • steroids
  • natural antioxidants,
  • flavonoids (protects the cardiovascular system)
  • saponins
  • amines.
  • protodioscin (saponosides): one of the most active ingredients of Tribulus.

Tribulus Terrestris stimulates the immunity and energy vitality of the adrenal and endocrine glands. It is an ancestral medicinal plant heavily used and considered major in Ayurvedic medicine (India) for more than 4000 years and in Chinese medicine for 2000 years. We know very well its real effects on sexuality, immunity, regeneration, endurance, libido and vitality.

Tribulus in traditional use :

For several centuries, men and women have been consuming Tribulus Terrestris. This plant extract is consumed in order to maintain the health of the urinary tract, improve libido and reduce edema by its energy-regulating action on the kidneys. It protects prostate and urinary system, it also gives strength, physical and muscular endurance (natural anabolic) and maintains the production of dopamine like Lapis Ostra. It helps to convert fats into energy during physical exertion.

Tribulus is traditionally used for kidney problems, including cholesterolemic nephrotic stones as it is diuretic. It also has an action on skin disorders by maintaining the level of natural cortizone, including eczema (atopic dermatitis); it acts on female and male problems to increase sexual desire including erectile dysfunction in men; It regulates blood circulation, including coronary hearts but also chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and joint pain (rheumatism).

Women use Tribulus to increase the concentration of hormones: it improves the production of estrogens and sex hormones in women, which promotes ovulation and libido but also for gonorrhea problems. It decreases the disorders of menopause and andropause.

Improved sports performance :

It allows to naturally increase the level of testosterone thanks to the quality of this extract (concentrated). Bodybuilding practitioners are more and more numerous to turn to this plant. Scientific studies conducted on Tribulus in the 1980s demonstrated the ability of this plant to improve the production of steroid hormones, which include testosterone, estrogen and DHEA.

Infertility in men :

Early research suggests that taking a specific tribulus terrestris product orally for 30 days improves spermatogenesis, sperm movement speed and ejaculate volume.

We have selected a quality extract (concentrate) of Tribulus, in order to enjoy the many effects of the active ingredients of this plant. This Tribulus was grown in natural biological conditions at medium altitudes in order to preserve all organoleptic principles.

Fulmina Distri is now offering “Tribulus Terrestris” in bags of 100 Gr for an organic food supplement.

Dosage :

We advise taking this extract in cycles of two to three weeks out of four.

As a prevention :

pour the powder into warm water and add a teaspoon of honey (do not heat the water in the microwave). Take half a teaspoon of powder twice a day 30 minutes after breakfast and 30 minutes after dinner.

For active results :

pour the powder into warm water and add a teaspoon of honey (do not heat the water in the microwave). Take a teaspoon of powder twice a day 30 minutes after breakfast, 30 minutes after dinner.

Other Tips :

The product is not a drug and does not replace any allopathic medical treatment, it does not involve any danger, toxicity or addiction.


It is recommended for people of the THIRD AGE.

IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED for pregnant women or women in the period of breastfeeding.

Links to scientific publications on tribulus terrestris properties (research Tribulus Terrestris on this following website in “full record line”) :

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg


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