



Amber comes from a resin secreted millions of years ago by conifers or flowering plants. It has been used since prehistoric times in jewelry and for its medicinal virtues. For scientists, amber is an organic rock.

Succinic acid present in powdered amber, has an action against depression and anxiety, a beneficial action on respiratory tract in traditional medicine in many countries. In the Middle Ages, in France, powdered amber was the ingredient of some love philtres, perhaps by analogy with its “magnetic” power, or more precisely bioelectrical.



Essential oil of AMBER

Amber comes from a resin secreted millions of years ago by conifers or flowering plants. It has been used since prehistoric times in jewelry and for its medicinal virtues. For scientists, amber is an organic rock.

Succinic acid present in powdered amber, has an action against depression and anxiety, a beneficial action on respiratory tract in traditional medicine in many countries. In the Middle Ages, in France, powdered amber was the ingredient of some love philtres, perhaps by analogy with its “magnetic” power, or more precisely bioelectrical.

Amber has also been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and Taoist medicine to treat many types of pathologies related to mental disorders. Amber essential oil applied to the scalp as well as to the endocrine areas (chakras) has a soothing action and cleanses negative energies.

Amber oil purifies and softens the skin but also strengthens the scalp to prevent hair loss.

If you want to revitalize your skin and cure acne or eczema, do not hesitate to use this oil. Its regenerative action promotes the growth of new cells and improves the elasticity of your skin! It is a traditional medicine widely used in Eastern Europe and Asia to combat cell degeneration and to regenerate skin (including skin cancer).

In order to decrease nervous tension and anxiety attacks, Amber essential oil can be used in several ways. It is possible to put a few drops in your bath. The vapors emitted by the water will be very pleasant. German psychotherapists believe that amber can have positive effects on human psyche. Amber calms and protects. It is possible to inhale it in order to eliminate the most important anxiety attacks. Amber oil was once used as an anti-hysterical and emmenagogue.

Amber oil is also used to treat anemia of different origins. Inflammation of the cranial or spinal nerve roots (acute radiculitis). Amber is used in traditional medicine against chronic cardiovascular diseases but also to treat bladder, stomach diseases and bronchitis.

Aromatherapy: Amber oil has a strong purifying action. Thanks to this, it can purify and sanitize the ambient air. It also eliminates odors related to cigarette tobacco.

Health Benefits of Amber Essential Oil:

  • Cure of ENT disorders and insomnia
  • Antispasmodic, tranquilizer and painkiller
  • Improves cellular immunity and metabolism
  • Accelerates healing and strengthens the body
  • Anti-aging and antioxidant
  • Psychological, emotional and mental healing
  • Chakra healing and energy balancing
  • Protection against the negative influence of electrical equipment


By local application, put a drop of oil on the tip of your index finger to massage the area to be treated.

By local application on your chakras: put a drop of oil on the tip of your index finger to massage the area to be treated.

Orally, one to two drops in a small glass of spring or filtered water to be taken two to three times a day.

Hydrotherapy: 15 to 20 drops to pour into your bath at body temperature (40 ° Celsius).

Aromatherapy: a few drops in your diffuser.

Massage: dilute 10 drops in 40 drops of sweet almond oil or very good quality massage oil.

This product is NOT a medication and it is not intended to replace any allopathic medical treatment; it does not carry any danger, NO toxicity or habituation.

ATTENTION: This product is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PEOPLE BELOW THE AGE OF 14 YEARS OLD since it should not be necessary.

It is recommended for people of the THIRD AGE population.

It is NOT RECOMMANDED for pregnant women, nor during the milking period.

Science Daily :

Paleopharmaceuticals from Baltic amber might fight drug-resistant infections:



Explanation of Essential Oils

The extraction of essential oils cannot be dissociated from the art of spagyria which descends directly from the art of alchemy.

Spagyria is the art of extracting the three principles “body, soul and spirit” from the plant. The essential oil is the “Fire” principle, the “spirit” of the plant.

For example, if you burn a plant, you get ashes from it in which is the “Salt” of the plant that corresponds to its “body” principle.

If you put the plant to macerate in alcohol or water, you will extract a tincture that corresponds to the “soul” of the plant with its “Water” principle.

The essential oil is extracted by different processes, the most used historically is distillation: this corresponds to the “spirit” of the plant.

It is for this reason that essential oils contain the subtle smell of the plant and have an anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and magical effectiveness for some plants since they represent the “Fire” principle.

These three analog principles “body, soul and spirit” exist in all matter whether vegetable, mineral or crystalline. We find these three principles inside the human body but also in the atom, with the representation of the proton, the electron and the neutron.

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