



The use of myrrh oils is as old as that of frankincense. The Egyptians have known it for four millennia and made it one of the components of the kyphi perfume that allowed to be in contact with planes of higher consciousness. They were also used for embalming.

For the Hebrew people, myrrh is one of the main components of a holy anointing oil. Wine mixed with myrrh was offered to Jesus (who refused it) before his crucifixion to alleviate the immense pains of this torture.



Essential oil of MYRRH


The use of myrrh oils is as old as that of frankincense. The Egyptians have known it for four millennia and made it one of the components of the kyphi perfume that allowed to be in contact with planes of higher consciousness. They were also used for embalming.

For the Hebrew people, myrrh is one of the main components of a holy anointing oil. Wine mixed with myrrh was offered to Jesus (who refused it) before his crucifixion to alleviate the immense pains of this torture.

This is the reason why myrrh is a tree resin that has been used for a very long time for its antiseptic capabilities. Since ancient times, it was used to clean wounds, to prevent infection of gangrene. In Africa, it was used as an anti-inflammatory to relieve rheumatic pain, in India, it was used to treat mouth ulcers, gingivitis and pharyngitis.

It has been frequently used in the form of mouthwash and is incorporated into many medicinal preparations to treat inflammations of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.

Traditionally recognized properties of myrrh essential oil

Myrrh essential oil contains active compounds such as oleoresin from Commiphora molmol, Commiphora myrrha or Commiphora abyssinica (Myrrh, Bitter Myrrh, Myrrh heerabol).

  • Anti-infectious (antiviral, antiparasitic): Myrrh essential oil is a compound of rare synergistic active ingredients: the many sesquiterpenes, furanosesquiterpenes and triterpenes ensure an antiseptic, slightly anesthetic action, especially in mouthwashes in diseases of the oral cavity and oro-pharynx.
  • Anti-inflammatory: sesquiterpenes, very abundant in myrrh essential oil, are responsible for its anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Analgesic: three compounds are at the origin of the powerful local anesthetic action of myrrh: furanoeudesmanes, curzarene and furanodien. All three act on endorphin receptors and neurotransmitters that modulate the pain response.
  • Skin healing: antifibrosant thanks to its stimulation of the healing process and its amplification of the immune response, myrrh is particularly indicated in skin problems.

Other properties

  • Endocrine regulator + Immune regulator
  • Harmonizing central nervous system: myrrh acts on the central nervous system by modulating its responses. It also regulates chronic overactivation of sexual functions.
  • Regulator of immune deficiencies: the contribution of the essential oil to the antioxidant system and its immunomodulatory capacity makes it possible to increase the overall immune response to external aggressions. It is therefore recommended in case of fatigue, viral or bacterial infection and weakened immune system.
  • ENT and respiratory disorders: thanks to the antibacterial, antioxidant and especially anti-inflammatory properties, ENT infections are among the indications of this oil: bronchitis, nasopharyngitis, sore throat and wet cough.
  • Infectious and oral problems: gingivitis and stomatitis.
  • Antiparasitic and anti-infectious to combat roundworms (intestinal worms), colitis, diarrhea.
  • Skin disorders: abscess, canker sores, difficult healing, sunburn, inflammatory dermatitis (eczema …), bedsores (preventive and curative), boils, cracks (lips, feet …), oral herpes, light wounds, psoriasis, skin ulcer, stretch marks. Joint and muscle pain: the analgesic potential of myrrh helps relieve osteoarthritis, arthritis and joint pain.
    Other indications: Hyperthyroidism, anxiety, anxiety, nervous tension, sadness, fear and phobias, depression, enuresis, nervousness, stress.

Conclusion: myrrh essential oil has a regenerative action.


By local application, put a drop of oil on the tip of your index finger to massage the area to be treated.

By local application on your chakras: put a drop of oil on the tip of your index finger to massage the area to be treated.

Orally, one to two drops in a small glass of spring or filtered water to be taken two to three times a day.

Hydrotherapy: 15 to 20 drops to pour into your bath at body temperature (40 ° Celsius)

Aromatherapy: a few drops in your diffuser

Massage: dilute 10 drops in 40 drops of sweet almond oil or very good quality massage oil.

The product is not a drug and does not replace any allopathic medical treatment, it does not carry any danger, toxicity or addiction.

CAUTION: This product is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 14 because it is not necessary.

It is recommended for people of the THIRD AGE.

IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.



Explanation of Essential Oils

The extraction of essential oils cannot be dissociated from the art of spagyria which descends directly from the art of alchemy.

Spagyria is the art of extracting the three principles “body, soul and spirit” from the plant. The essential oil is the “Fire” principle, the “spirit” of the plant.

For example, if you burn a plant, you get ashes from it in which is the “Salt” of the plant that corresponds to its “body” principle.

If you put the plant to macerate in alcohol or water, you will extract a tincture that corresponds to the “soul” of the plant with its “Water” principle.

The essential oil is extracted by different processes, the most used historically is distillation: this corresponds to the “spirit” of the plant.

It is for this reason that essential oils contain the subtle smell of the plant and have an anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and magical effectiveness for some plants since they represent the “Fire” principle.

These three analog principles “body, soul and spirit” exist in all matter whether vegetable, mineral or crystalline. We find these three principles inside the human body but also in the atom, with the representation of the proton, the electron and the neutron.

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